Investigate and compare the results to understanding sciences
The natural science education aims to help children build a rational representation of their environment. In this perspective it is usual to build authentic teaching by implementing a process of investigation rooted in a particular ecological context. Previous studies have described the effects of context as events occurring in a learning situation when two participant bring contrastive contexts. But these context effects were never filmed in science learning. We postulate that the effects of contexts can be considered not as a limit to learning but as an asset. In addition, we believe it is possible to build science lessons based on their emergences.
The objective of this internationnal project called gounouy is to build an educational innovation for recording and description of effect of context and their interest in learning. It involved four research laboratories (two in Guadeloupe CRREF and LARGE, two in Quebec LICEF and GDAC) and two schools.
In a design methodology based research, many direct and indirect data have been collected. They are constitute by videos, student productions, digital items (vidéoconférence and digital workspace) and interviews with students. The results show two different types of expression of context effects and different learning indicators. Adaptations and limits reuse of this new type of education will be discussed.Following a design based research methodology, many direct and indirect data on learning situations have been collected. They are constitute by videos, student, digital items videoconference, digital workspace) and interviews with students.
The results show two different types of expression of context effects and different learning indicators. Adaptations and limits of this new type of education will be discussed.