A. See-for-instance and . Murch, Black French Men: The Political Integration of French Antilles, 1971.

, Interview with a top-ranking member of Martinican Movement for Independence

, Framework Law for the overseas territories n, 1207.

, Meeting of the Presidents of Regions of the Antilles and La Guyane, 'Political Courage for Development, 1999.

. Rassemblement-pour-la-republique,

, Meeting of the Presidents, 'Political Courage, p.9

J. Bernabe, P. Chamoiseau, and R. Confiant, Praise ofCreoleness, 1989.

E. Glissant, Poetique de la relation, 1990.

S. F. Reno, L 'exportation de modeles d 'administration opposes: le cas de la Barbade et de la Martinique, 1987.

, Article 73 of the October 4th 1958 French Constitution

G. Balandier, Introduction' in: Francis Affergan, Anthropologie a la Martinique, 1983.

, The fact that in Martinique social agents vote for and accept being represented by 'mixedblood' leaders like separatist Marie-Jeanne, blacks like MP Turinay or former Mulatto MP Lise, regardless of ethnic origins shows that political life is colour blind thanks to the Creole culture. The failure of the Trotskyst group, Combat Ouvrier

S. Clifford-geertz, The Interpretations of Cultures, 1973.

J. Bernabe, Promouvoir Videntite cutturelle? Elements d'ecolinguistique et de gloltopolitique appliques aux aires creolophones in: Jean-Claude Fortier, Questions sur I 'Administration des DOM: decentraliser outre-mer?, p.343, 1989.

, Days before the adoption of the law which made the colonies into departments, the communists of Martinique declared: 'We want fully-fledged assimilation, we are ready to endure whatever it takes, we shall willingly share the tax burden of the French Citizen and whatever burdens that befall us, but we want our country to be administered with the same care as a French departement, 1946.